Amazon Coupon Flat vouchers
Amazon Shopping Voucher
How to use an Amazon shopping voucher ?
A voucher can be used to buy only those items made eligible for it. When a voucher is eligible on an order (where all items in the cart are eligible for the specific voucher) Your Vouchers’ will be show up as a payment option in payment method selection page. To use ‘Your Vouchers’ for the purchase, select it on the payment method selection page. If the voucher value is not sufficient, you can combine Amazon Pay balance, credit/debit card or net banking with your vouchers to complete the purchase. You can click on the ‘Know More’ option to find the list of vouchers eligible for that specific purchase.
How is a voucher different from an Amazon Pay Gift Card?
While Amazon Pay Gift Card & Vouchers both are pre-paid instruments, an Amazon Pay Gift Card is accepted across all avenues where Amazon Pay Wallet is accepted whereas a voucher is only accepted as per its design. For example (1) an Amazon Shopping Voucher will only work on valid shopping transactions on Amazon and not valid for Pay category transactions (2) An Amazon Prime Voucher will work only for purchase of Prime Membership and so on.
- Visit
- Enter the voucher code in ‘Add new’ section.
- Click on ‘Add button’ to add voucher.
- To track your voucher, visit
- Your Voucher Balance can be selected as a payment option during the checkout process on